divendres, 25 de gener del 2013

First post ever!

Hey friends!

Finally, I decided to open this blog. As you know, we were talking a lot of having a blog, a space on the net to share our challenges. And… aha! Here it is!
Hopefully, I will have enough time to update it and show you my progress in sewing and crafting. 
And HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hope this 2013 will be a year full of travels, 
love, health, friends and crafts!

4 comentaris:

  1. Bon dia!
    M'encanta la idea! Espero aviat novetats de costura, mitja, drapet....i altres!

    Let's see if i can share with you something soon too!
    Keep it updated!

    1. Ai! Quina il·lu!
      Si, si, ja tinc ganes de veure les vostres coses!


Gràcies pels teus comentaris!

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