La Casa Masó de Girona és una de les obres més rellevants de l'arquitecte Rafael Masó i Valentí.
L'habitatge és el resultat de la unió de quatre cases que la família Masó va adquirir al llarg del segle XIX i principis del XX
i que Rafael Masó va reformar i unificar seguint els cànons del noucentisme l'any 1919.
La casa està plena de detalls i la visita és altament recomanable.
Us deixo les imatges del cosidor de la casa, on les germanes i la dona de Rafael Masó brodaven inicials en llençols i jocs de taula dissenyats per ell mateix.
Casa Masó
Carrer Ballesteries, 29
17004 Girona
The Masó House in Girona is one of the most important works of the architect Rafael Masó i Valentí.
The property is the result of the union of four houses that the family acquired during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
and Rafael Masó reformed and unified following the guidelines of the Noucentisme movement in 1919.
The house is full of details and the visit is highly recommended.
I want to show you some pictures of the sewing room, where his sisters and his women embroidered alphabets initials on linen and tablecloths designed by himself.
Casa Masó
Carrer Ballesteries, 29
17004 Girona
Us deixo les imatges del cosidor de la casa, on les germanes i la dona de Rafael Masó brodaven inicials en llençols i jocs de taula dissenyats per ell mateix.
Casa Masó
Carrer Ballesteries, 29
17004 Girona
The Masó House in Girona is one of the most important works of the architect Rafael Masó i Valentí.
The property is the result of the union of four houses that the family acquired during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
and Rafael Masó reformed and unified following the guidelines of the Noucentisme movement in 1919.
The house is full of details and the visit is highly recommended.
I want to show you some pictures of the sewing room, where his sisters and his women embroidered alphabets initials on linen and tablecloths designed by himself.
Casa Masó
Carrer Ballesteries, 29
17004 Girona
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