La setmana passada
vam aprofitar el súper pont per fer una escapada a Anglaterra i Gal·les
per visitar la família i fer una mica de turisme.
per visitar la família i fer una mica de turisme.
Com que estàvem en un
poblet a prop de Birmingham,
era obligatori parar a la bonica i preciosa merceria de la Lauren “Guthrie and Ghani”.
Tenia moltíssimes ganes d’anar-hi i veure-la en directe! J
era obligatori parar a la bonica i preciosa merceria de la Lauren “Guthrie and Ghani”.
Tenia moltíssimes ganes d’anar-hi i veure-la en directe! J
Segueixo a la Lauren
des dels seus inicis i he seguit l’evolució de la seva botiga
fins a convertir-se en el que és ara: un somni per tota costurera.
Ella no hi era perquè està de baixa per maternitat però les noies que l’ajuden són també un encant.
No em vaig poder aguantar de demanar a veure si podia fer algunes fotos. És tant maca!
fins a convertir-se en el que és ara: un somni per tota costurera.
Ella no hi era perquè està de baixa per maternitat però les noies que l’ajuden són també un encant.
No em vaig poder aguantar de demanar a veure si podia fer algunes fotos. És tant maca!
quedaria tot! Al final em vaig comprar dos retalls de tela amb motius nadalencs
Aix... Com m’agradaria que estigués a prop de casa!
Si algun dia teniu la oportunitat, no deixeu d’anar-hi!
Us encantarà segur!
Mireu, mireu quina delícia de botiga, quins detalls... J
Last week we visited England
and Wales to visit family and to do a little of countryside sightseeing.
As we were in a
village near Birmingham, it was compulsory to stop by
the beautiful and lovely Lauren’s haberdashery "Guthrie & Ghani”.
I wanted to stop by for a long time! I follow Lauren since her beginnings, the Sewing Bee,
the restoration and the evolution of her shop till to become what it is now: a dream for any sewists.
She wasn't there because she is on maternity leave but the girls who help her are also very charming.
I couldn't help ask her if I could take some pictures. It's really beautiful! I like it all!
At the end I bought two pieces of fabric with Christmas themes.
the beautiful and lovely Lauren’s haberdashery "Guthrie & Ghani”.
I wanted to stop by for a long time! I follow Lauren since her beginnings, the Sewing Bee,
the restoration and the evolution of her shop till to become what it is now: a dream for any sewists.
She wasn't there because she is on maternity leave but the girls who help her are also very charming.
I couldn't help ask her if I could take some pictures. It's really beautiful! I like it all!
At the end I bought two pieces of fabric with Christmas themes.
I wish it
were closer to home! :-)
If you have the opportunity, I really reccomend to stop by.
You will love it!
If you have the opportunity, I really reccomend to stop by.
You will love it!
Take a look at her:
Web: https://guthrie-ghani.co.uk/
Blog: https://guthrie-ghani.co.uk/blog
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guthrieghani/
Web: https://guthrie-ghani.co.uk/
Blog: https://guthrie-ghani.co.uk/blog
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guthrieghani/
Gràcies per la visita i fins aviat!
Thanks for the visit and see you soon!
Thanks for the visit and see you soon!
que intrépida !! che bella aventura pareces haber pasado per la Gran Bretagna. A la tienda no le falta el más mínimo detall (Triestino di cuore)
ResponEliminaSí!! Una passejada per UK. La botiga molt xula i recomanable! :-)
EliminaQuè maca aquesta merceria! Molt cuqui :) Ja es veu que t'ho vas passar molt bé, hehe.
ResponEliminaHehehe... sí!! Va ser molt guai! :-)